Thursday, May 6, 2010

neuro circuitry

I spent a large part of yesterday, Wednesday, explaining to myself that it was not today, Thursday. I spent a significant but smaller part of today, Thursday, explaining to myself that it was not tomorrow, Friday. I hope to have this straightened out by Sunday (actually Sunday).

The tulips along Locust are nearly dead (I hope the city switches them out soon. They depress me.), but this weekend is the Pella Tulip festival. I can't explain that.

At lunch, on my walk, in my periphery, I caught the fuzzy figure of a man inside a glass front, mirroring my reflection outside the glass front. It threw me momentarily -- was that him? Was that me? I couldn't tell. I was over it by the time I reached the end of the block.

If I walk while listening to music and think too much about the rhythm of the song, it disturbs me if the rhythm of my step doesn't match. Michael Jackson wrote perfect stride songs, which makes me think he composed everything while walking.

I stopped at a stop light on my way home from work. I rested my elbow on the door and pulled on my left ear lobe. I looked in the rearview mirror and the man in the car behind me was doing the exact same thing -- resting his elbow on the door and pulling on his left ear lobe. I wondered if everyone in London was pulling on their right ear lobes.

Some days I feel a little more plugged in than usual, and I think it causes weird blips in my neuro-circuitry.

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