Thursday, October 7, 2010

crazy space station satellite

The weather has been awesome. I hope it is still awesome in one week and 3 days while I am running 26.2 miles.

Over lunch today, I walked to the river. I turned off my ipod, took off my shoes, and stared all pensive Victorian heroine like at the water. Then I realized the Des Moines River is really pretty stanky looking. I'm not sure how I would describe the color of this river, but I imagine there are a lot of dirty gym socks at the bottom.

Then I looked at the skyline, and it wasn't really all that attractive. Two cranes by the YMCA, and half of the buildings were capped by crazy space station satellite antennas.

People jogged over the bridge wearing sweat bands.

It seemed kind of bizarre that I found it relaxing and clarifying -- like finding God in a burnt cheese sandwich covered with cat hair. I hope this doesn't make me a pessimist.

Other important notes:

My dog is peeing on things. It's my fault, and I feel horrible. She has allergies. They were bad enough that I let the vet give her prednisone even though I really really really didn't like it. The prednisone has made her incontinent. Is there anything worse? She peed on my chair, on the couch, on the new carpet, in the basement.

The thing about prednisone is you can't just stop taking it. You have to taper, gradually. So once you start... well, tough nuggets. If you stop, it screws up a bunch of other things. Poor Kaya just has to keep peeing on herself until my mistake has flushed itself out.

I think I'm too tired to write any more important notes. The Apprentice is on. I didn't mean to watch it. It makes me nervous. I don't understand money contests, so I hope it's about more than sharp suits and slick hair (but I have my doubts).

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